When I am asked to do a newborn session the new parents usually want to do it in the comfort of their own home, or sometimes they come to my studio. This was the first newborn session I have been asked to do in an outside location.
Location family photography is fantastic because, as well as showing the family, you can show surroundings that are important to them. Perhaps somewhere they go often and spend time together. It also means photographing in ambient light, which I prefer. On this fabulous November day we were very lucky with the weather. The sun came out later but the bright, overcast sky acted as a giant softbox, the ideal light for flattering photos. The bare trees and leaves on the floor placed this momentous event (a new life) in the context of the seasons. Every year when the leaves are on the ground this family will be celebrating their child’s birthday.
We didn’t want the little one to get too cold so didn’t stay out too long but went back to their beautiful flat and made use of the light pouring in through the patio doors and the best bean bag ever. I’m definitely getting one of these for my studio.