The weekend before last I taught a photography workshop at LattjoPop in Streatham, organised by House of Bricolage. I’ve been teaching photography to adults for over ten years but have only recently started offering workshops for parents and children to attend together. This workshop was aimed at giving parents knowledge and a few useful tricks to help them take better pictures of their children. The children mainly posed for the photos but the older boy really got involved. He took lots of pictures himself as well as creating a fabulous dinosaur diorama which was a popular photographic subject for all the participants.
The workshop whizzed through the basics of exposure (ISO, shutter speed and aperture), camera settings, different types of light and lighting, composition and editing.
All of the participants seemed to take away some knowledge or ideas to improve their photography and it’s been really exciting to see the pictures they have taken during, and since, the workshop.
If you are interested in future workshops please get in touch.