At the moment I seem to be doing a lot of follow-up sessions with families that I have already photographed, which I really love. Sometimes it is because they have a new sibling joining the family. Other times the parents have booked a first year package (three photo sessions in a year), as these parents had. Since I saw them when their son was newborn they have moved to Hampshire, which is further than I usually travel for a photo session but made a nice day out. It was a gloriously sunny spring day, perfect for a drive in the countryside, and their new home was very light and airy and great for photos.
The best thing about these sessions is always seeing how the children are growing. Despite being tired and quite ready for a nap their son showed his character and posed wonderfully. A friend of mine once said that this is a golden age of childhood – when children can sit up by themselves and smile but can’t escape! That certainly makes it a great age for a photo session.