My most recent pet shoot was a complete contrast to the last one.
This was a lovely old dog who was very, very nervous of my photographic equipment. We planned to do a studio style shoot in her house but she didn’t like the look of my backdrop or lights. We took her into the garden to try and get her to relax but the poor thing was still shaking. The cat, however, was showing off and posing for photographs.
It was pictures of the dog we wanted though, so we took her for a walk and she started to get used to me. We took a few pictures in the park and then when we returned home she let me photograph her in the garden, and finally on the backdrop (although with daylight rather than lights).
This session lasted longer than usual because we spent so much time getting the dog relaxed, but this was no problem at all. I only ever book one session a day so a situation like this is never an issue. I would have been happy to carry on longer, but the dog’s owner had another appointment.
Anyway, we got there in the end and got some images that did justice to what a beautiful dog she is.